Tag Archives: Facebook

They are staring at me now. With those big brown eyes. They cannot have my dinner.

They are staring at me now. With those big brown eyes. They cannot have my dinner. 2022-07-07T23:25:22.000Z

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This was taken a couple days after we adopted Rainy. Aeqo had been slowing down and no matter what we did for her, it was obvious she was grieving Lily, and couldn’t shake it. After we got Rainy, she perked up almost immediately, and made it through her grief. It was a turning point in that process for all of us, and became the template when for when Aeqo’s time came. I wish that Sita could have met Aeqo. She was a fantastic big sister to Lily and Rainy.

This was taken a couple days after we adopted Rainy. Aeqo had been slowing down and no matter what we did for her, it was obvious she was grieving Lily, and couldn’t shake it. After we got Rainy, she perked … Continue reading

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Tim’s Dog Food 101 Probably keeps for 4-5 days, we usually get three days with 2 dogs. Instapot super useful. Frozen Peas & carrots. really, anything that’s not a crucifer or contains onions is fine. not sure what size, but its not the “family size one, its the smaller one. Frozen Squash Canned or jarred gravy – we switch around between chicken, turkey, beef and pork to keep things interesting. Chicken Rice – pick something that’s not Uncle Ben’s type crap. Basmati has best consistency. in instapot: Chicken Thighs (3-4 depending on size) 3 cups rice. 3 cups water. If chicken is raw, cook on rice setting. If chicken frozen, cook on soup setting. “sauce” Take half a can of gravy and equal water and mix. I’m guessing the cans are about 6 oz? Anyhow, water it down, 1:1. Veggies: Mixed veg and squash in roughly equal parts. I usually use about 3/4 of a bag of Peas and Carrots, and about half that volume in squash if we have it. If no squash, I use the whole bag of veggies. Thaw it in Microwave with about a half cup of water. After thawed, Puree with hand mixer, and add gravy at same time to help the puree mix well. you should end up with a 2-3 cups. if you come up short, add a bit more water. Assembly: After cooking, pull the chicken apart and do it pretty finely. I try to get it “stringy”, not really in “chunks” – i find it mixes in more consistently this way. In the instapot pot, toss the chicken and rice like a salad, and then start mixing in the veg puree until everything is, well, green. To serve: Figure out how much dry dog food your pooch eats in a typical meal, and reduce it by 25%. Heat a half coffee mug of water in the microwave, and pour over the dry food. mix it around to wet everything, then let sit and soften a bit. scoop out an EQUAL amount of the chicken rice mix to what you used for kibble, and heat in microwave. Sometimes, I throw some butter on it if it looks a bit dry – Fat is flavor and all that, but also, dogs need and use fats same as us. In dog bowl, mix the “dry” and checken rice thoroughly. Leave the water in! Don’t drain it – the rice will take it up PDQ. Garnish with milkbone and a slice of cheese. Serve! Jenn Howard

Tim’s Dog Food 101 Probably keeps for 4-5 days, we usually get three days with 2 dogs. Instapot super useful. Frozen Peas & carrots. really, anything that’s not a crucifer or contains onions is fine. not sure what size, but … Continue reading

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Trying to explain to pups that Mom *will* be back, that she still loves them, and that she’ll be back in 2 more sleeps. They are doing well, but they keep checking to make sure I’m still here all the time. good thing I have a cookie stash.

Trying to explain to pups that Mom *will* be back, that she still loves them, and that she’ll be back in 2 more sleeps. They are doing well, but they keep checking to make sure I’m still here all the … Continue reading

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So, yesterday with with pups went well. There was clearly a disturbance in the force with Kati away, but the result was that I got a LOT of attention from everyone, so net win. Getting caffeinated enough to do an early walk before work with them.

So, yesterday with with pups went well. There was clearly a disturbance in the force with Kati away, but the result was that I got a LOT of attention from everyone, so net win. Getting caffeinated enough to do an … Continue reading

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Must be near solstice. Taken at 9:30.

Must be near solstice. Taken at 9:30. via Facebook https://ift.tt/RmjJQ8q

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I just know that all my frineds with little ones are gonna be jealous of my little Sita Girl sleeping through the night:

I just know that all my frineds with little ones are gonna be jealous of my little Sita Girl sleeping through the night: via Facebook https://ift.tt/SQyFOMg

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So… Can we consider making an option for the antivaxxers to choose a 2 hour cycle in a giant autoclave, so that they don’t have to contaminate themselves?

So… Can we consider making an option for the antivaxxers to choose a 2 hour cycle in a giant autoclave, so that they don’t have to contaminate themselves? 2021-05-13T23:32:16.000Z

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… and another text post test… Hopefully, this will be the last.

… and another text post test… Hopefully, this will be the last. 2021-05-03T22:40:21.000Z

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One of the last couple tests…. lessee if this works

One of the last couple tests…. lessee if this works via Facebook https://ift.tt/2RqN3E0

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